2010 Non-Rev Challenge

Follow us as we travel around the country and around the globe to pick up points from getting our photo taken in various locations.

We are the Knights of Mayhem.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

As the first week of the challenge comes to a close, I decide to make our first blog posting.

Julie decided to kick off our team's run on the first day of the challenge in the Big Easy sometime mid morning. I didn't ask where the beads came from, but we had to remind her shes too early for Mardi Gras and to make sure she gets back in time for her next big trip.

Labor day just isn't an easy day to travel as a nonrev. However, Julie and Matt looked like pros this afternoon as those two went gallivanting off to Europe somewhere, which left Chris, Mike and I behind to maintain a perfect afternoon as Chris and I handled the helm upstairs and Mike had the reins downstairs as we achieved a 100% D-0 afternoon performance. Not a bad way to start my "weekend".

I hope every one had a safe and enjoyable labor day weekend (even though I wager that mostly everyone worked it at some point or another).

Safe travels and remember to Keep Climbing!


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