2010 Non-Rev Challenge

Follow us as we travel around the country and around the globe to pick up points from getting our photo taken in various locations.

We are the Knights of Mayhem.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

6 pictures, 2.5 days

I counted the number of seat backs being carried off the aircraft as I sat comfortably in 3C on the Airbus 320, and I started to get worried. Yes, for those playing along at home, you read correctly. *Seat Backs* Full flight, and they were removing seats. Luckily, the door was finally shut sans a row somewhere in coach as we finally pushed back from the gate in CVG. The next 18 hours would encompass two pictures and a whole lot of flying.

I usually shy away from paying customers, especially when seated in a premium cabin. However, that night was an exception as the gentleman sitting next to me asked what I was doing at my destination. He looked doubly surprised when I told him I would be flying to MSP on the redeye. He laughed as he told me "a little out of the way, don't ya think?"

Welcome to the next two months!

As I gallivanted across the continental US, Matt and Julie found themselves flying over the pond. As I am not exactly sure where they went as of yet, I do know two things. One, don't give Julie your phone. Two, those two are sneaky good at what they hit.

Chris is on vacation starting today, so let's see what he can hit. Mike is working on hitting a few places starting next week.

I think our photo count is somewhere in and or around 7 or 8 at this point in time. Look for an update has we continue our quest to win as we fly around the country and around the world.

Safe travels and remember to Keep Climbing!


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